Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs - Volume 2.djvu/75

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127. Def.—We shall write for the reciprocal of any (complete) dyadic also for etc., and for etc. It is evident that is the reciprocal of ,

128. In the reduction of equations, if we have

we may cancel the (which is equivalent to multiplying by ) if is a complete dyadic, but not otherwise The case is the same with such equations as

To cancel an incomplete dyadic in such cases would be analogous to cancelling a zero factor in algebra.

129. Def.—If in any dyadic we transpose the factors in each term, the dyadic thus formed is said to be conjugate to the first. Thus


are conjugate to each other. A dyadic of which the value is not altered by such transposition is said to be self-conjugate. The conjugate of any dyadic may be written It is evident that


and are conjugate functions of (See No. 106.) Since we may write etc., without ambiguity.

130. The reciprocal of the product of any number of dyadics is equal to the product of their reciprocals taken in inverse order. Thus

The conjugate of the product of any number of dyadics is equal to the product of their conjugates taken in inverse order. Thus

Hence, since

and we may write without ambiguity.

131. It is sometimes convenient to be able to express by a dyadic taken in direct multiplication the same operation which would be effected by a given vector () in skew multiplication. The dyadic will answer this purpose. For, by No. 117,

The same is true of the dyadic which is indeed identical with as appears from the equation