Page:Scot's piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's cariches.pdf/19

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( 19 )

ſaid ſhe; if it were but my maiden-head, I would think nothing of it; many, many a time I have left my maiden-head with great pleaſure, and gut it ay again, it ay came back to its ain place again, but I'll never gather up my milk again.

A great Drover, who frequented a public Inn in the north of England, as he paſſed and repaſſed, agreed with the ſervant maid of the houſe, for a touch of love; for which he gave her a Six-and-thirty-ſhilling Piece: On the next morning he mounted his horſe, without aſking a bill, or what was to pay; but, Sir, ſaid the Landlord, you have forgot to pay your reckoning: Well minded, Sir, ſaid he, I want my change, I gave your maid a Six-and-thirty to change: The poor maid was called on in all haſte, and examined if it was ſo? O yes, ſaid the, I got it, but it was not for his reckonings throws it down, and off he goes: Her miſtreſs underſtood the matter, and aſked her if it was ſo? She acknowledged the whole, but ſwore the should be up ſides with him. In twelve months thereafter, he came that way again with a drove,