Page:Scot's piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's cariches.pdf/20

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and put up at the ſame inn, as formerly: Theo the girl goes to a woman in the neighbourhood, who had young child, about three months old, takes the child in her arms, and comes into the company where he was, and lays it on the table, ſaying, Sir, there's the change of your Six-and-thirty; and away ſhe comes.- Then the child fell a-crying, the bell was rung, and the Landlord was ready enough to anſwer.-O Sir, ſaid he, call back the girl, for this will ruin my family, and crack my credit.-But, Sir, ſaid the girl, you thought it nothing to ruin my character, and crack my maiden-head. Peace, peace, ſaid he, my dear, here's one hundred and fifty pounds, and take away the child and trouble me no more. Well, ſaid the, I'll take it, and you will make more of buying cows than maiden-heads. So away fhe came with the money, and then returned the borrowed child to its own mother.

Three merry companions having met on a Saturday-night at an ale-houſe, (a hatter, a ſhoe-maker, and a taylor, where they drank heartily all that night,