Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/10

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10 will put him to death; all the birds in general join in pairs and keep fo ; but the dove refembles the adulderer, for when the fhe one turns old, he pays her away and takes another; the lo- cufts obferve military order and march in bands ; the frogs refemble pipers and preachers, for the young ride the old to death. Q. Who are the merrieft and hear- tieft people in the world ? A. The failors, for they’ll be fing- ing and curfing one another, when the waves, their graves, are going o- ver their heads. Q. Which are the diforderlieft crea- tures in battle ? A. Cows and dogs, for they all fall upon them that are neathmoft. Q. Who are the vaineft fort of peo- ple in the world ? A. A barber, a tailor, a young fol- dier and poor dominie Q What is the great caufe of the barber’s vanity ? A. His being admitted to trim no- blemens chafts, thyke their fculls, take kings by the nofe, and hold a razor to