Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/11

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11 to his very throat, which no fubject elfe dare do. Q. What is the great caufe of the tailor’s pride ? A. His making of peoples new clothes, of which every perfon, young and old, are proud of, then who can walk vainer than a tailor carrying home a gentleman’s clothes. Q. What is the caufe of a young foldier’s pride ? A. When be lifts, he is free from his mother’s correction, and the hard u- fage of a bad mafter, has liberty to curfe, fwear, whore, and every other thing, until convinc’d by four halberts and the drummer’s whip, that he has now got a military and civil law above his head, and perhaps worfe mafters than ever. Q. What is the caufe of the poor dominie’s pride ? A. As he is the teacher of the young and ignorant, he fuppofes no man knows what he knows, and the boys call him mafter, therefore he thinks himfelf a great man. Q. What fort of a fong is it is that