Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/13

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13. of a moron's mare at the back of a dyke, amongft the bones o£ an hun- dred dead horfe ? A. Becaufe they are made of wood. Q. Which are the two thing not to be fpared, and not to be abufed ? A. A foldier’s coat and a hired, horfe. The end of John Falkirk's Carriebes.

AN old gentleman and his two fons being in a company, his eldeft fon fitting next to him, fpoke a word which highly difpleafed his father, for which his father gave him a hearty blow on the fide of the head ; a well, faid he, I will not lift my hand to. firike my parent, but he gives his o- ther brother, that fat by him, a blow on the ear, faying, give that about by way of a drink till it comes to my fa- ther again. A failor travelling between Edin- burgh and Linlithgow, which is 12 long computed miles ; and as he was fetting out in the morning about eight o’olock, he fawa vain like young fpark