Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/14

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14 go running paft him, which he never minded, but kept jogging on at his own leifure : and as he was going into Linlithgow about twelve o’clock, up comes the young fpark, and afked the failor what o’clock it was, Why, fays the failor, I fee you have a watch and I have none, what is it ? Out he pulls his watch, ho! faid he, it’s directly twelve, and what do you think, it was half an hour after ten or I came out of Edinburgh, I have walked it in an hour and a half; it is pretty well tript, fays the failor, but pray fir, what man of bufinefs are you ? O! faid he, I am a watch maker. I was thinking fo, faid the failor, for you have made the watch anfwer your feet, for they can- not anfwer a right watch, and I fup- pofe your tongue cannot keep time with either of them ; do you remem- ber where you paffed me this morn- ing about eight o’clock ? O yes, faid he, and off he went. A certain old reverend prieft being one night at fupper in a gentleman’s houfe, and for one article having eggs, the ferver of the table laid a cloth on