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  • Spring. By Graham R. Tomson, 305.

Stevenson, Robert Louis, with Portrait. By J. M., 108. Stott, WiUiam, of Oldham. By Alice Cork- ran, 319. Stray Dialogues, 207. Stuart Exhibition, The. By Morley Roberts, 267. ♦Sweetheart Abbey. (lUus.) By Walter C. Smith, 107. Sword-Guards, Japanese. By J. P. Mac- Gillivray, 29. 1 O Omar Khayyam. By Gleeson White, 268. Tristan and Isolde. By Franklin Peterson, 168. Turner Drawings at Burlington House, The, 1888-9. By Mrs. Alfred Hunt, 309. U NIVERSITIES, Freedom in the. By R. A., 76. V ENUS Anadyomene. By Professor John Stuart Blackie, 17S.

  • Verses written for Pictures. By Ernest Rad-

ford, 145. Victorian Literature. By William Martin, 46. W AGNER, A Belated Critic of. Carlaw Martin, 163. Wagner and Liszt. By an Old Wagnerian, "94, 233- Water Colours, The Action of Light upon, 150. Winter Exhibition at Burlington House, The. By Graham R. Tomson, 246. Wintour, The Art of John Crawford. By J. M. Gray, 28. Woman's Work in Art Industries. By Miss Anslruther, 131, 15S. ' Wood Nymph, The,' of E. Bume- Jones and ' The Silence ' of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. By Professor Patrick Geddes, 155-

  • Wood-Solace. By H. Bellyse Baildon, 273.

By T. I EAR'S End, 177. The. By Colin Percival, AUTHORS Ai lLEXANDER, W., LL.D. The Last of the Scottish Homers (Illus.), 359. An Old Wagnerian. Wagner and Liszt, 194, 233- Anstruther, Miss. Womans Work in Art Industries, 131, 158. Archer, William. Scenic Aspects of the Lyceum Macbeth, 249. B. )AILD0N, H. Bellyse. *Wood-Solace, 273- Barrett, W. A. Is an English School of Music desirable? 99. Blackie, Professor John Stuart. *Venus An- adyomene, 178. Brown, Professor G. Baldwin. Old and New in Art, 84. Some Recent Efforts in Mural Decoration, 225. Browne, George Washington. General In- difference to Modern Architecture (Illus.), 57- Bruce, R. T. Hamilton. Foreign Loan Pic- tures' at the Glasgow Exhibition, 8. c. ^AIRD, Principal. Progressiveness in Art, I, 42. Canton, William. *Eastof Eden, 75. Capper, S. H. Rome and the Middle Ages, 128, 354. Carpenter, Edward. 'Andromeda, 140. Laurence Oliphant, 265. November Boughs, 334. Clausen, George. Bastien-Lepage and Modern Realism, 114. Clauss, Emil. ' Die Feen,' 70. Peter Cornelius, 103, 133. CoUinson, T. H. Musical Education, 134. Conway, W. M., M.A. The Forthcoming Art Congress at Liverpool, 149. Corkran, Miss Alice. Portrait-Painting, 182. William Stott of Oldham, 319. Crane, Walter. Sonnet— Renascence, 49. The Prospects of Art under Socialism, 81. DoRYPIiORUS. Sculpture at the Glas- gow International Exhibition, 6, 30, 54, 90, ULLLIOT, F. The Arts and Crafts Ex- hibition, 160. Ellis, Havelock. "Sonnet for a Picture, 273. Eyre, Archbishop. The Ancient See of Glas- gow, A.D. 560-1560 (Illus. ), 125. Jr ERRAGUTI, Arnaldo. Roman Models, 217. Gi rEDDES, Professor Patrick. The 'Wood Nymph ' and ' The Silence ' of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (with two plates), 155. The Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts (with plate), 274. The Royal Scottish Academy Exhibition, 306. Gosse, Edmund. *01d Morality, 209. Gray, J. M. The Art of John Crawford Wintour, 28. fl. W. H. Music in Glasgow, 1 1. H. . ALL, Andrew. Architecture of the Glasgow International Exhibition Build- ings (Illus.), 59. Henry, George. The Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours, 153. Iloneyman, John, The Archieological Col- lection at Glasgow Exhibition, 9. On the Exhibiting of Architec- tural Drawings, 33. Glasgow Cathedral (Illus.), 122. Horsley, Reginald. "Amoris Sapientire, 337. Hunt, Mrs. Alfred. The Turner Drawings at Burlington House, 1888-89, 309. K EPPIE, lohn. The late James Sellars and his Woik (Illus.), 191. LaVERY, John. On a Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots (Illus.), 87. Leland, Charles G. Jade in Scotland, 189. Libra. Musical Examinations, 15, 36. ' The New Covenant ' Ode, 17. M. J- Japanese .ACGILLIVR.W, Sword-Guards, 129. Martin, T. Carlaw. A Belated Critic of Wagner, 163. Martin, William. Victorian Literature, 46. Mavor, James. Henrik Ibsen, 173, 269. Robert Louis Stevenson (with por- trait), 108. N. ADEN, Constance C. W. ' The City of Dream,' 332. Newbery, Francis H. The Decorative Arts Exhibition (Illus.), 184, 222. Sculpture Demonstrations at Glas- gow, 340. Nichol, J. Pringle. *Chaucer, Christmas Eve and Easter Day, 24. Professor. Allan Ramsay, 20. Nicholson, Cecil. Causerie — The Goncourts : A Tempestuous Premiere at the Odeon, 256. Paris Causerie, 313, 342. o LIPHANT, James. The Place of Poetry in a Music Drama, 197. The Musical Amateur, 294. r ATERSON, Oscar. A Glance at Italian Glass (Illus.), 62. James. A Note on Nationality in Art, The Art Student in Pans, 118. Paton, James. Art at the Glasgow Inter- national Exhibition. The Bishop's Castle Collection, 31. Portion of Altar-piece — ' St. George and Donor,' by Mabuse, 242. 'The Sulky Boy,' by Greuze, 344. Sir Noel. *Sonnet— The Beautiful, 1 13. Percival, Colin. *The Year's End, 177. Peterson, Franklin. Musical .lUsthetics in Presbyterian Worship, 38, 104. 'I rista7i and Isolde, 168. JuUien's Berlioz, 356. OuERN, Martin. '^ Fair (Illus.), 181.

  • A Ballade of Kelvin

R.A. Radford, 145, Matthew Arnold as a Ci'itic, 22. - Freedom in the Universities, 76. Ernest. "Verses written for Pictures, "Poems — A Broken Ring, Far from Thy .Side, Illusion, Probation, 241.