Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/107

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Miss Marilyn Miller, star of Ziegfield's musical comedy, "Sally"

"I Can Teach You to Dance Like This"

Sergei Marinoff

"And you can study under my personal
direction right in your own home."


Dancing Costume, Phonograph
Records, Complete Studio Outfit

A dainty costume designed so as to permit free use of the limbs, ballet slippers, everything you need to help you with your lessons comes FREE with the course. Simple charts and beautiful photographs illustrate every lesson while phonograph records and simply worded text teach the essential points of technique. You can learn to dance, as you have always longed to dance; and your lessons will be pleasant and easy.

FEW people living outside of New York, Chicago or the great European capitals have the opportunity to study dancing with any of the really great masters. And the private, personal instructions of even average teachers range upward from ten dollars an hour.

But now, the famous Sergei Marinoff has worked out a system of home instruction. You can learn classic dancing in all its forms—interpretive, Russian, ballet, aesthetic, Greek—at a mere fraction of the cost of lessons in the studio.

A Fascinating Way
to Learn

It is so easy and so delightful. Just put the record on the phono-

graph, slip in to the dainty little dancing costume (furnished free with Course) and you are ready to start.

And guided by the charts, the photographs of Marinoff students and the easy text, you master the technique of the dance.

Charm and Grace

The natural beauty of the body is developed, an exquisite grace and flexibility cultivated by correct training in classic dancing. For better health—for greater beauty; for poise; for slenderness; dance!

As a means of developing grace in children, dancing is unsurpassed. And with my method, mother and daughter can grow graceful together.

For the theatre—vaudeville—the movies—civic and college pageants—for private and social affairs—everywhere the dancer is in demand. Startling salaries are paid. And those who can dance for charitable entertainments or for the pleasure of their friends quickly become social favorites.

M. Sergei Marinoff,
School of Classic Dancing,
1924 Sunnyside Ave, Studio 13-17 Chicago

Please send me FREE portfolio of art plates and full information about your home study course in Classic Dancing. I understand that this is absolutely FREE.




Write to Sergei Marinoff—Today!

Everyone interested in dancing should write to Sergei Marinoff at once and get complete information concerning his splendid system of home instructon in Classic Dancing. Anyone can learn by this method. M. Marinoff will accept any pupil—beginner or professional—who is sincerely anxious to learn dancing. Find out more about this remarkable system of training. This information is free. Send the coupon.

M. Sergei Marinoff
—School of Classic Dancing—

1924 Sunnyside Avenue
Studio 13-17 Chicago