Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/35

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A. M.


6:00 5,782 extra players awaken.

6:30 Milk-wagon horse refuses to climb Whitley Heights.

7:00 192 directors awaken.

7:01 191 directors go back to sleep again.

7:15 349 alarm clocks serenade 349 assistant directors.

8:00 1,831 extras report for work.

8:30 42 stars stir in their feather beds.

9:00 Goldwyn gatekeeper checks in Abie Lehr.

9:15 First automobile accident of day.

9:30 First actor shows up at Armstrong's restaurant.

9:45 Lasky office boy is sent in search of Pola Negri.

10:00 June Mathis and Frances Marion complete first scenario of day.

10:30 47 excursion buses leave for new real estate tracts with 759 passengers and 8 prospective buyers.

10:50 25 sight-seeing buses leave for "free trip to the oil fields" with 45 stock salesmen.

10:59 Weary bootleggers start on their rounds.

11:00 Lasky assistant director is sent in search of Pola Negri.

11:02 Goldwyn gatekeeper checks in Mickey Neilan.

11.15 All film executives reported "in conference."

11:30 Title writer, who has been thinking all morning writes "Came Dawn."

11:45 First hot dog sold at Venice.


12:00 3,678 pies ordered at Universal lunch counter.

12:05 Party of tourists from Clinton, Iowa, arrives in Ford and inquires way to nearest studio.

12:06 Lasky director sent in search of Pola Negri.

12:30 27 actors at Goldwyn studio ask Murphy to charge the lunch.

12:31 Young girl from Clinton, Iowa, thinks she sees real actor and faints dead away.

12:35 First section Overland train pulls in with 423 home-seekers, 18 travelling salesmen, 6 imported English authors, 71 writers assigned to "cover" Hollywood boulevard and 3 Californians.


1:00 55 actors at Armstrong's sign the luncheon checks.

1:15 All male members of Writers' Club adjourn for game of pool.

1:16 Women scenario writers return to work.

1:30 127 ex-plumbers sign up at a motion picture talent bureau.

1:31 Government reports labor shortage.

1:35 Another "second Valentino" is given the air.

1:50 Street railway inspector notes uncrowded cars reaching business district.

1:55 Street railway corporation cuts down number of cars 11 per cent.

1:57 Second hand Ford dealer sells 175th car of day.

2:00 Lasky studio manager sent in search of Pola Negri.

2:15 Cecil B. De Mille shoots first scene of day.

2:30 Carl Laemmle decides to spend another million.

2:45 78 divorce decrees granted.

3:00 77 more marriages.

3:05 Bootlegger admitted to exclusive country club.

3:15 Jesse L. Lasky starts in search of Pola Negri.

3:30 Ambulance rushes down Boulevard. Excitement.

3:31 Automobile with movie camera follows. More excitement.

3:33 Crowd gathers.

3:34 Police reserves arrive.

3:35 Automobile accident.

3:36 Crowd disperses.

4:00 Six movie ingenues adjourn for ice cream soda.

4:15 Pola Negri reports for work.

4:30 Pola Negri quits work.

(Continued on page 99)