Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/39

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By Mildred Doherty

You get off the Santa Fe Limited, with your handbag and your happy illusions. You leave, a withered wretch, minus all the illusions you brought and a few you didn't know you had.

Hollywood, thy name is Heartbreak!

The Old Hokum!

"Isn't Viola Dana too lovely for words? And that won-der-ful Bill Hart!" you exclaim.

"Cowbells!" choruses Hollywood.

"And, oh, please, could I see naughty Barbara La Marr in a dope den or something? Just slumming—" apologetically.

"Apple sauce!" the chorus barks.

And so they go—out of the ardent fire of your imanation, into the frying pan of heartless Hollywood—your little illusions. Believe me, they are panned, all right.

The old cardiac regions get the greatest knock-out when the open secret of Hollywood is told within this orange-walled city.

Rudy Won't Vamp!

Valentino is no lover!

There! What's more—Rudy hates the very word sheik.

An ex-Metro star is said to have given Rudy a broken wheel made of lilies after a beach party with him. That was before either of his marriages, of course.

A week and you are in the know. You can write home with suavity about Claire Windsor's wig, and Larry Semon's doubles.

Then There's Alice Terry's Hair

Alice Terry's hair is really brown-black, as any blase citizen can tell you. A disappointment? At that, Alice is twice as sensitive about her ankles as her hair.

Another Broken Blossom

Katherine McDonald, the favorite of Former President Wilson, Former Husband Malcolm Strauss, and Current Husband Charles Johnson, is another broken blossom when it comrs to living up to her publicity. Let me hasten to explain—not in the line of beauty. She's really lovely. But about those wondrous advertisements, claiming she got that way by using X's cold cream, Y's powder, and Z's corn cure.

Alice Terry wears a wig—even in private life. This, however, is the wig she adorns in "Scaramouche"

Katherine is a Scotswoman, who scorns expensive emollients and perfumes, and goes in for a certain five cent brand of soap, and plenty of city water. She has a marcel only when the script calls for one, but then she gets only $50,000 a picture.

When Katherine dies she can tell St. Peter the last number in her savings.

Louise is Comely and Clever

Louise Fazenda has disappointed many a hopeful tourist. The uncooked truth is that Louise is a comely young lady who reads D. H. Lawrence, and rides in limousines, keeping the broken shoes and the wheelbarrow only for celluloid gymnastics.

I know of one hopeful lady interviewer who came to Hollywood, determined not to have her cherished fancies about her favorites squelched.

The Film Intelligentsia

Her first interview was with Agnes Ayres. It had been bruited about that Agnes had (Continued on page 95)