Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/74

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school ten years ago. They went into pictures at the same time, and played together in The Flying Torpedo—with Bessie the heroine and Carmel the disturbing element. However, though they remained as close friends as ever, they were never cast in the same picture again—until this summer when, in The Magic Skin, Bessie is the heroine and Carmel the disturbing element.

Pola Negri reads her director's fortune. The interested director is Herbert Brenon. Pola, by the way, found a lot of ominous cards when she tried this on her former director, George Fitzmaurice.

Nagel in Real Estate

Speaking, of Conrad Nagel—he's been bitten by the fatal California real estate bug. The attack, though severe, promises to be lucrative.

He owns two ranches. The first comprises 40 acres planted to watermelon, honeydew melon and cantaloupe, and is valued at $65,000. This he will subdivide and sell five lots to the purchaser with the admonition to build residences.

The second ranch extends over 25 acres of ground and is covered with orange trees. As it is situated closer to the business section Conrad will subdivide it and build apartment houses thereon.

Schildkraut Moves

The Master of Man, now being filmed by Victor Seastrom from the novel by Hall Caine, started out originally with Joseph Schildkraut as leading man. After several weeks' work on location, the daily rushes revealed the fact that Mr. Schildkraut looked too—well, too—Yes, that's it. So they put Conrad Nagel in his place, and retook all the shots in which Mr. Schildkraut appeared.

Lila Lee and Kirkwood Marry

Here's news hot off the wire! Lila Lee and James Kirkwood are married. The rumor of their engagement had been bruited about Hollywood for some time, but was firmly denied by all parties concerned. Personally, we're just a little bit puzzled about it, because not so long ago Mr. Kirkwood and his wife, who have been separated a long time, were said to be reunited. I suppose it's just a case of not being able to believe what you read in the papers.

Tommy Meighan Back

Thomas Meighan arrived the other day from his umpty-steenth trip hither from yon New York. He says he really prefers to travel because one meets such nice people on the train! He will start almost immediately on Woman-Proof, another George Ade Story. Lila Lee will be his leading woman.

Doug, Jr. to Do His Stuff

Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. is about to start on his first motion picture. It is called Stephen Steps Out, and is taken from a story by the late Richard Harding Davis. In the cast supporting him will be Theodore Roberts, Harry Myers and Noah Beery. Quite a lot of high priced support for one young feller!

Name Changed Again

William de Mille has again changed the name of The Faun, which he has been making into a photoplay from the William Faversham stage success. The preceding title was Spring Magic. Now it is The Marriage Maker. If Mr. de Mille doesn't watch out, he will run Norma Talmadge a close second as a title changer. Only no one could beat Norma when it comes to terrible titles! Agnes Ayres and Jack Holt are the featured players of The Marriage Maker.

Louise Fazenda

Louise Fazenda has been given a long-term contract by Warner Brothers whereby she will play straight roles. By the contract she will virtually become a star, although a provision is made enabling her to go on immortalizing her inimitable slavey characterization.

Hale with Warners

Creighton Hale started August 20th in a picture, as yet untitled, directed by Ernest Lubitsch. Creighton has two children and three brothers. The three brothers are all officers in the Navy. One is a commander, another a lieutenant-commander and the third a lieutenant. The two kidlets are also in the Navy—as much as they can be. The eldest wears an officer's uniform and the youngest that of a gob!