Page:Screenland October 1923.djvu/96

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Beautiful Art Studies From Life

Three Different Poses 8x10 Photos


Set of 16 Studies for $5.00


6526 Selma Ave., Hollywood, Cat.

Vim, Vigor and Vitality In "African Bark"

Scientist Produces an Invigorator Superior to Gland Treatments—Wonderful Power of Bark From Africa.

Have you lost your youth, vigor and "pep"? Does life seem dull and work a grind? Don't worry. Science has produced a new formula said to be superior even to the much discussed gland treatments. Many men and women are now quickly and easily regaining lost vim, vigor and vitality in the privacy of their homes.

The principal ingredient is an extract from the bark of an African tree. It is said to be a most remarkable invigorator. Combined with it are other efficient tonic and vitalizng elements of proved merit. In many cases the compound produces marked improvement in 24 hours. In a short time the vitality is usually raised, the circulation improved and the glow of health is felt in every part.

The laboratories producing this new vitalizer, which is called Re-Bild-Tabs, are so confident of its power that they offer new customers a large $2 supply for only $1 and guarantee to refund the money if the remedy fails to give results in one week.

Any reader of this paper may test the treatment without risk. Send no money, but just your name and address, to the Re-Bild Laboratories, 458 Gateway Station, Kansas City, Mo., and a full $2 treatment of Re-Bild Tabs will be mailed. On delivery, pay the postman only $1 and postage. If not delighted with the results, notify the laboratories and your money will be refunded in full. Do not hesitate about accepting this offer, as it is fully guaranteed.


Then wear this Mystic Serpent. Replica of Ancient Hindu charm against evil spirits sickness, spells, and symbol of GOOD LUCK in love, business, games. Heavy, weird and startling. Genuine 14-Karat gold shell. 8 year guarantee. Men and Women.

Secret "formula for luck" FREE. Send measure (string tied around finger.) AHLI P. BABA, Box 55, 116 Str. Sta., New York. Pay $2.27 and postage to postman on delivery.


Test yourself. Self-revealing chart and Success Guide, 10c.


Dept. X, Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Calif.

Rodolph Valentino and Marriage

(Continued from page 24)

fight—has been against "Sheik stuff." Does she care when crowds of women mob her husband every time he appears in public? No, she doesn't; she's used to it.

The Inconvenience of Popularity

"It only means that he is popular on the screen. Sometimes it is inconvenient. When we were on tour, the children used to crowd around the private car and try to look through the windows while we were eating breakfast. We had to pull down the shades and stuff towels in the cracks. I suppose you can't blame the children. Private cars aren't an everyday occurrence in small towns. It must have been just like a circus to them.

"But in most of his pictures, Rodolph has been a false personality. People have the wrong idea about him. In 'The Sheik,' for instance, he was an impossible sort of man. No wonder the men took a dislike to him. As soon as people hear him talk, they change their minds about him. They forget all the ridiculous and impossible things they have read about him."

No Secret of Matrimonial Success

And the secret of the success of their marriage?

"There is none. You can't speak about marriage in generalities. Of course, Rodolph and I have the same interests. Perhaps this fight—this lawsuit—has brought us closer together. We both believe in the independence of the artist. Yes, and in the dignity of the artist, too. The whole tangle has been inconvenient but it hasn't been exactly hard because we know we are right.

"If Rodolph had simply been an attractive man with a certain charm for women, it would have been easy to replace him. But it hasn't been so easy to find another Valentino, has it?

"The movie fans will learn that success—permanent success—isn't a question of luck and a good-looking face. People laugh when you talk about ideals in this business. They think you are crazy. They say the public doesn't want good pictures. How do they know? Have they ever tried making them?

A Pretty Woman with an Idea

When Rodolph begins working on his new pictures for Ritz Carlton, he's going to make good pictures. And I believe the public will like them. And then, we'll know that it has been worth all the trouble and all the fights."

Substitute the small, blonde Mary Pickford for the tall, dark Mrs. Valentino and you have the same arguments that launched Douglas and Mary on their career as independent artists. Mary, stubborn and contrary, also fought her way through lawsuits and matrimonial difficulties. A pretty woman with an idea firmly fixed in her mind can baffle strong men.

Natacha Like Mary Pickford

Besides their stubbornness, Mary Pickford and Mrs. Valentino have another trait in common. They have a sense of humor. They can laugh at their husband's jokes and at the grotesque comedy of the rest of the world. They are experts at discovering the silver lining and at making the best of bad situations. The dancing tour may have been bad in many ways, but it made new friends for Rodolph. The lawsuit was disagreeable but it has proved to the public that Rodolph has the courage of his convictions. The more adventures that befall you in marriage, the less possibility is there that marriage will suddenly turn dull and stale. And marriage can weather many storms but it can't stand a long period of calm. Just ask the man who has married a placid wife!

Will H. Hays is fond of urging confidence and co-operation on the producers. The Valentinos, unlike the producers, have taken the motto seriously and lived up to it. And look at the trouble they've started!

Turn to Page 20 and Chuckle Over


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