Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/169

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BY THE SAME AUTHOR SERMONS ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. Price 1.00 PRACTICAL SERMONS. Price 1.25 SERMONS, DOCTRINAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND OCCASIONAL. Second Edition. Price 1.25 GOD MANIFEST. Part I.— Chap. I. God manifest in his Works: the Material Universe. Chap. II. God manifest in his Works : the Spiritual Universe. Chap. III. God Speaking. Chap. IV. God Appearing. Part II. — Chap. I. Man, not God, the author of Moral Evil. Chap. II. All Physical Evil derived from Moral. Diseases. Noxious plants, minerals, and animals. War, Tyranny, Poverty. Chap. III. Scripture difficulties considered. Pp. 466. Price 1.00 A CHAPTER ON SLAVERY. A Sequel to "God Manifest." In Six Sections: — I. Slavery in Ancient Times — In the Middle Ages. II. Slavery in Russia. III. Slavery in Africa. IV. The Republic of Liberia. V. Why the Slave Trade has been permitted. VI. Slavery in America; its Origin, and the Probable Manner of its Removal. Pp. 175. Price .60 GEMS FROM THE WRITINGS OF SW^DENBORG. With a Memoir. Price 1.00