Page:Sermons on the Ten Commandments.djvu/170

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ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH SKETCHES. Contents :— First Sight of the British Isles— Pilgrimage to the former Home" of a Poetess — Lindley Murray and "Ben- jamin West — The Tomb of Swedenborg — Poets' Corner — St. Paul's— Nobility— Richmond Hill and Pope's Grotto— Addison's Walk — The Country Churchyard— Channing — American Authors in England — Shakespeare's Birthplace and Tomb — The "Thunderer" — Abbey Ruins — English Skies— Anglicisms — The Scotch — Wallace's Tree — Tanna- hill's Hole — Wilson the Ornithologist — The Land of Burns — A Day's Journey through the Highlands — Melrose Abbey by Moonlight — A Scottish Election — Visit to Jeffrey. Price 1.00 THE PLEASURES OF RELIGION ; A- POEM, IN TWO PARTS. WITH OTHER POEMS. Price .75 POCAHONTAS, OR THE FOUNDING OF VIRGINIA: A POEM, IN THREE CANTOS. Price 1.00 AMERICAN NATIONAL LYRICS AND SONNETS. Price .60 POETICAL WORKS, Collected into One Volume. Price 1.25 ' RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY UNITED, OK, AN ATTEMPT TO SHOW THAT PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES LIE AT THE FOUNDATION OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH. By Mrs. M. H. Prescott. With a Memoir of the Author, by her Son, the Rev. O. Prescott Hiller. Price .50 '