Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/53

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ser. ii.]
peace in christ.

friends to forsake and enemies to exclaim: 'there, there, so we would have it:' in these dark hours, you may hear the words of Jesus like the soft music of heaven falling sweetly upon your ears, saying, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart he troubled, neither let it be afraid."[1] Those among you, my brethren, whose experience can bear witness to the peaceful paths of religion, should be careful to evince your inward tranquillity by an exhibition of Christian tempers, dispositions, words and actions; by works of love and charity to your neighbors; by endeavoring to the utmost of your ability to promote the cause of your Redeemer in the world. Thus will you be letting your light shine, and be preparing yourselves more and more for that glorious future not far in the distance, when the


  1. Jno. xiv., 27