Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/54

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peace in christ.
[ser. ii.

cross shall be exchanged for the crown; "light afflictions for an eternal weight of glory."

There is another very interesting class of whom the blessed Jesus is far from being unmindful. We allude to those who are writing bitter things against themselves, who feel the burden of their sins to be intolerable, who are seeking true peace by a diligent use of the appointed means of grace. Such should be encouraged to persevere in hope of obtaining the pearl they so anxiously desire. Let them listen to Heaven's inviting voice, addressing their peculiar state, and dry up their tears. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."[1] "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink."[2] While you are laying aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets you, continually look unto Jesus.

  1. Matt. xi., 28.
  2. Jno. vii., 37