Page:Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf/191

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Shetland Folk-Lore

What is it that goes through a rock, through a
reel, through an aald spinny wheel, through
a sheep's shank bane.”
Answer—A web of cloth.

I gaed atween twa wids,
An' I cam' atween twa watters.”
Answer—One going to the well with
wooden buckets.

Peerie fool (fowl) featherless,
New come oot o' Paradise,
Fleein' ower da mill dam,
Catch me if du be a man.”
Answer—A snowflake.

Hookatee, krookatee, foo rins du?
Clipped tail every year, why spör's du?”

This is what the meadow and the brook said to each other.

Roond like a millstane,
Lugged like a cat,
Staandin' upo' three legs—
Can du guess dat?”
Answer—A kettle.

Twa grey grumphies lay in ae sty,
Da maer dey get, da maer dey cry;
Da less dey get, da stiller dey lie.”
Answer—The millstones.