Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/14

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Aurangzib guards frontier, 59—Shiva makes peace, 61—Aurangzib's distrust of him, 62—Bijapur Government sends Afzal Khan against Shiva, 63—his sacrileges, 65—Afzal's doings at Wai, 66—Shiva's perplexity, 67—envoy from Afzal, 68—Afzal reaches place of meeting, 71—the affray, 72—Afzal's army attacked, 74—local legends about Afzal, 76—the "Afzal Khan ballad," 77—Maratha view of the affair, 78—Appendix II. Affair of Afzal Khan, evidence discussed, 79.

Chapter IV. Strenuous Warfare ... 82—110

Shaista Khan viceroy of Deccan, 82—Siddi Jauhar besieges Shiva in Panhala, 83—Shiva's escape, gallantry of Baji Prabhu, 84—Shaista Khan's march on Puna, 85—siege of Chakan, 87—Firangji Narsala, 89—Mughals in N. Konkan, 91—Netaji's disastrous retreat, 91—night-attack on Shaista Khan, 93—Surat described, 98—panic and neglect of defence, 99—heroic action of English factors, 101—Shivaji's first sack of Surat, 103—attempt on his life, 106—Jaswant's siege of Kondana, 109—Shiva's movements in 1664, 109.

Chapter V. Shivaji and Jai Singh ... 111—151

Jai Singh sent to Deccan, 111—his character, 112—his plan of war, 115—unites all the enemies of Shiva, 115—theatre of war described, 118—Mughal outposts, 120—march on Purandar, 121—Purandar hill described, 124—Mughal siege-positions, 125—Vajragarh stormed, 126—Daud Khan's faithless conduct, 127—Shiva's villages ravaged, 128—Marathas make diversions, 130—outer towers of Purandar stormed, 132—Murar Baji's death, 135—Shiva opens negotiations, 136—visits Jai Singh, 137—treaty of Purandar: its terms, 139—Shiva visits Dilir, 141—forts delivered, 142—Jai Singh invades Bijapur, 145—Shiva captures forts for Mughals, 145