Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/300

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[CH. X

in a town of his master's about three miles from Ponda, and sent word to the general of Shivaji that he had only come to look after his own country. The general suspected no stratagem, as his master and Rustam were friends. He went with his Muslim soldiery to a hill a mile off in order to say his prayers in public. Muhammad Khan seized this opportunity; he surprised and routed the soldiers left in the siege- camp, and after a long and well contested fight defeated the rest of the Maratha army who had hurried back from the hill. Thus the siege of Ponda was raised after the poor men in it had been driven to eat leaves for the last three days. "This business, it is generally thought, hath quite broken the long continued friendship between Rustam-i-Zaman and Shivaji. Rustam hath taken now Ponda, Kudal, Banda, Suncle and Duchole, five towns of note, from Shivaji."*[1]

§8. Plot to seize Goa, 1668.

Soon afterwards, at the end of March 1666, Shivaji went to the Mughal Court. For the next four years he gave no trouble to Bijapuri Konkan or Kanara, his opponents during this interval being the Portuguese and the Siddis. The English merchants

  1. * Kudal and Banda are well-known towns, 12 m. n. w. and 7 m. s. of Savant-vadi town. Suncle or Singclay is Sankulli, 8 m. e. of Goa, and Duchole is a mistake for Bicholim, 7 m. n. e. of Goa town. The last two are now in Portuguese territory, (Ind. At., 41 N. W. and S. W.)