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[CH. X

Surat, 12th November and 16th December, 1668. F. R. Surat 105.)

At the beginning of 1670 came his rupture with the Mughals, which kept him busy in other quarters and prolonged the peace in Kanara till the close of 1672, when, taking advantage of the death of Ali II., he renewed his depredations in Bijapur territory.

Meantime, in September 1671, Rustam-i-Zaman had broken out in rebellion against his master. He had at last been deprived of his viceroyalty and jagir for his treacherous intimacy with Shiva, the crowning act of which was the surrender of one of the king's forts to the Marathas. And now he took up arms in the hope of intimidating the Government to reinstate him. With the underhand help of Shivaji, he occupied Bijapuri territory, yielding three lakhs of hun a year, and plundered and burnt Raibagh, completing the ruin of that port, previously sacked by the Marathas. But within a month the royal troops crushed the rebellion, — the forts of Mirjan and Ankola alone holding out for several months more. By the middle of 1672 MuzafFar Khan, the new Adil-Shahi viceroy of the Kanara coast, had made peace with the rebel chiefs (Nayakwaris) of Shiveshwar and Kadra.*[1]

§9. Shivaji's failure in Bijapuri Kanara, 1673.

The death of Ali Adil Shah II. (on 24th November

  1. *F. R. Surat 106, Karwar to Surat. 20th September, 31st October 1671, 26th June 1672.