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1672) was followed by the rebellion of the Rajahs of Sunda and Bednur, who invaded the Bijapur territory across their frontiers. An army under Muzaffar Khan chastised them (February, 1673) and wrested Sunda from its Rajah. (F. R. Surat, 106, Karwar to Co., 17th February 1673.)

This rebellion had been hardly suppressed when the Marathas made their second incursion into the upland of Bijapuri Kanara, sacking many forts and rich cities in that region. Their general Pratap Rao raided Hubli,*[1] the most important inland mart of the province, causing a loss of 7,894 hun to the English Company alone, besides the private property of the factors (May 1673.) The Company's house was the first they entered and dug up, carrying away all the broad-cloth in it to their general who sat in the bazar. Muzaffar Khan, however, promptly came to the scene with 5,000 cavalry and saved the town from total destruction. The Marathas fled precipitately with what booty they had already packed up, "leaving

  1. * The commercial importance of Hubli can be judged from the following remarks of the English merchants: — Hubli, the mart of our Karwar factory, where we sell and buy most of the goods that port affords us." (F. R. Surat 87, 1st November 1673.) "Hubli, a great inroad [=inlandj town and a mart of very considerable trade." (O. C. 3779.) Maratha invasion of Kanara in 1673: F. R. Surat 3, Consult. 24th May, 10th and 19th July, Vol. 87, Surat to Persia, 1st November. O. C. 3779 and 3800. Sabhasad, 70, has only eight lines for the events of 1673-75; Chit., 70 (nine lines only; vague, may refer to 1673 or 1675.)