Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/341

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guns on Thai. Daulat Khan with his fleet came out of the Nagothna river and attacked Underi on two nights, hoping to surprise it, "but the Siddi's watchfulness and good intelligence from Chaul frustrated his design." On 26th January Daulat Khan assaulted the island at three points, ready to land 2,000 men and conquer it. But after a four hours' engagement he retreated to Chaul, having lost 4 ghurabs and 4 small vessels, 200 men killed, 100 wounded, besides prisoners, and himself severely wounded. The Siddi lost only 4 men killed and 7 wounded, but no vessel, out of a fleet of 2 large ships, five three-masted frigates, one ketch and 26 gallivats, with 700 men on board." Underi continued in Siddi hands throughout Shambhuji's reign, and neutralised the Maratha occupation of Khanderi, the two islands merely bombarding each other. (Ibid, also 31 January.)