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Management, Shop, uneveness in development of its elements, 17-19; lack of apparent relation between, and the payment of dividends, 17, 19, 20; rise of men of eepecial ability, 17; master spirit in, 18; should be looked upon as an art, 19, 60, 63; elements of the succcesful, 19; in this country behind modern management, 20; art of, defined, 21; relation between employer and men, 21 ff.; high wages and low labor cost the foundation of the best, 22, 63; ignorance in regard to the amount of time required for work, 24, 30, 34; indifference to proper systems, 30; indifference toward the men, 30; contract system, 35; failure of coöperative experiments, 37, 38; Towne-Haleey system of, compared with task system, 42-45; accurate time study the basis of good, 43, 68; example of, at Bethlehem Steel Co., 46-56; old and modern methods compared, 60; difficulties of radical change in, 60, 64; managers too overwhelmed by work to give thought to, 61, 62; a good organisation of more importance than a good plant, 62; four principles which should be followed to unite high wages with low labor cost, 63, 84, 69, 70, 71, 75; a large daily

task desirable, 63, 69; standard conditions, 64, 71; high pay for success, 64, 70; loss in case of failure, 04, 71; necessity and economy of a planning department, 64-67; analogy between modern engineering and modern methods of, 66-68; freedom from strikes under scientific, 58; task system, 69, 76, 80; differential rate system, 75-94; shops under-officered, 94.

Change in, functional management, 98-100; should not be made without foresight of what is involved, 128-130; object of, 130, 131; men must be brought to see what is meant by, 131, 132; instruction of men as regards, 132, 133; men must rise from one plane of efficiency to another, 133. 134; should be made gradually, 134, 135; change in, the first step of should be the selection of competent reorganizer, 135, 136; where beginning should be made in, 136-138; the selecting and training of functional foremen, 138; inspectors first to be chosen, 144; the task idea, 144, 145; a difficulty in, 145.

Master spirit, rise of, from humble position, 17; good management of his particular department, 18.

Messenger boys, Mr. Almon's system for managing, 201.

Messenger system, 118.

Metal tools, improvement in, 8, 9.

Metcalfe, Captain Henry, his card system of shop returns, 202.

Methods, desirability of standardising, 123, 124.

Midvale Steel Works, under the old system, 44: functional foremanship introduced into, 107; repair force in, 118; study of time problem carried on in, 179; no strikes in, 183; the policy of, 183.

Military plan of management, 92, 98, 99.

Minimum wage, 190.

Mnemonic symbol system, 115, 116.

Mnemonic system of Messrs. Smith and Towne, 201.

Mutual accident insurance associations, 119, 120, 198.

Natural laziness, 30.

Non-producers, and producers, relative numbers of, 121, 122; what is meant by, 122: the diminishing of the number of, 147.

Note sheet for time study, 151-168.

Order of Work and Route clerk, duties of, 102.

Orders for machines, analysis of, 111, 112.

Organization, the building of an efficient, slow and costly, 62; good, of more importance than a good plant, 62, 63. See Management.

Over-foremen, in system of functional foremanship, 108, 109. See Foremen.