Page:Shop management.djvu/215

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Patterson, Mr., of the National Cash Register Co., 200.

Pay department, 115.

Piece Rate System, A, quoted 37, 81; cited, 58; its main object overlooked, 58; quoted, 177, 183-186.

Piece work, feeling of antagonism under, 35; adoption of, at Bethlehem Steel Co., 50, 53; task work applied to, 73.

Planning department, 64; expense of, 65; necessity and economy of, 67; four functional bosses of, 102-104; where best placed, 109, 110; general management should belong to, 110; leading functions of, 112-120; objections sometimes made to its doing the thinking for the men, 146.

Plant and system, maintenance of, 116-118; improvement of, 120.

Post Office Delivery. 118.

Premium Plan, 43.

Producers, and non-producers, relative numbers of, 121, 122; what is meant by, 122.

Promoting of men, 142, 143.

Purdue University, 5.

Reorganization. See Management, change in.

Repair bosses, duties of, 101, 102; improvement due to introduction of, 108.

Repetition in work, 28.

Reports, 117, 126, 127.

Rogers, Charles D., 73, 201.

Rush order department, 120.

Sales department, inquiries for new work received in, analysis of, 114.

Science of Industrial Management, 9, 11.

Selecting and training of men, 138-143.

Sewing-machine, 8.

Shop disciplinarian, duties of, 103, 104, 119.

Shop Management, great value of the monograph, 7, 9.

Sinclair, George M., 180.

Slide rules, 113, 180.

Smart and Honest, 40.

Smith, Oberlin, his mnemonic system of order numbers, 201.

Soldiering, 30-34; under Towne-Halsey plan, 40; enforced by fellow workmen, 32, 34, 67.

Speed, of a first-class and an average man, 176; need of a book on, 177.

Speed bosses, duties of, 101; improvement due to introduction of, 108.

Speed element in Towne-Halsey and task system compared, 44, 45, 126.

Standards, 116, 175.

Stop watch, 155.

Strikes, freedom from, under scientific management, 68; none in Midvale Steel Co., 183.

Study of unit times. See Time

Subdivision of job into unit operations, 168-172.

Symonds Rolling Machine Co., 83.

System and plant, maintenance of, 116-118; improvement of, 120.

Task idea, 144, 145.

Task system compared with Towne-Holsey system, 42.

Task work, 69, 85; with bonus, 70; applied to day work, 71-73; applied to piece work 73; compared with differential piece work, 76-80.

Taylor, Dr. F.W., his valuable contribution to the art of industrial engineering, 5, 7; Shop Management, 7, 9; The Art of Cutting Metals, 8; A Piece Rate System, 58.

The Art of Cutting Metals, 8.

Thompson, Sanford E., 91; his study of unit times, 150; implements developed by, 150-154.

Thorne, Wm. H., his method of analyzing work upon new chines, 201.

Tickler, use of, 116-118.

Time and cost clerk, duties of, 103.

Time card, and workmen, 127, 128.

Time study, 24, 30, 34, 45; basis of good management, 46, 58, 65;