Page:Shubala - a child-mother (IA shubalachildmoth00soraiala).pdf/31

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That has not, so far, been the history of the agitation in India.

I would commend this thought to the reflection both of those who desire a vote, and of those who think the demand premature.

Here, at any rate, is a trysting place for us both—here, in the service of the needs of women and children.

What are you going to do about it all?

I speak to those who call themselves Patriots. What can be more emphatically the concern of the patriot than a sturdier, happier, less badly-housed population than we see around us!

I speak to the budding Politician and the expectant Member of our new Government.

There is no programme which gains more votes to the candidate at an English election, than that which contains promises about the welfare and better-housing of the less fortunate. There is no item