Page:Shubala - a child-mother (IA shubalachildmoth00soraiala).pdf/32

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in any programme, which can be of more intrinsic value.

Look at it what way you will. It pays to help this particular need.

And the beautiful thing is that there is a place and there is work for us all—for men and women with influence and long purses; for women with a woman's heart genuinely stirred by the sight of helpable ills; for the enthusiasts of modern science and reform: for the level-headed who feel that true progress cannot exclude from its sphere the problems surrounding maternity, and the care of children, and the prevention of disease.

The League for Maternal and Child Welfare makes it easy for us to translate our sympathies, this very minute, into help and action, according to our ability. It tells us, that we can serve by helping to collect the funds without which organized and continued work in these directions cannot be undertaken. There