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Signs and Wonders

God came in wonderful power while we were singing and praying. Many going to the fire-works were so astonished to see such a crowd and such a meeting they were held as under a spell. The tent was crowded. All standing-room was taken up inside and hundreds were standing outside. I preached an hour or more. The congregation was so attentive I do not believe they missed a word. Oh I praised God for victory ! Amidst all the noise of the different kinds of fire-works I was not bothered in the least. God gave me voice and power to hold the still as if death was in our midst. Glory to God! The devil is mighty, but God is Almighty. Let no one who reads this ever get discouraged in doing the work of the Lord. There never was a meeting held under more discouraging circumstances. Everything was against us; nothing for us but God. He was more than all that was against us.

The colored people were the greatest drawback. The Southern people are so prejudiced against them that they will not permit them to worship with the white people. We gave the invitation for all classes and conditions to come to the meeting. The invitation was accepted by the rich and poor, the white and the colored, church members and all kinds of sinners. The white people said that if the colored were permitted to come, they would stay at home. Then we gave the colored people one corner of the tent and had them sit by themselves. This did not suit the people. Some of the wealthy citizens said that they liked the meetings, would help support them, but they would not do anything if we let the negroes come. Ministers and professing Christians said the same. They said all evangelists that had been in the city could do no good until they drove the negroes away. I told them God made the whole human family of one blood, Christ had died for all. Christ said, “Go preach my gospel to all nations, to every creature.” Can we obey God and drive the hungry souls away?

When Jesus sent me out to stand between the living and the dead, he said, ‘“Go where God sends you, without respect to persons or places.” I told those people who came to persuade me to not let the colored people attend, that I knew if we let them come with the feeling which existed, we would have a terrible battle, but we did not dare drive them away, for if we did the Holy Ghost would leave and God would hide his face from the work and it would be a failure. Thank God, amidst all this trou-