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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

ble we shouted victory, knowing that God would overrule all for his glory and do the greatest work ever done in the State of Kentucky. I thank God we had no desire to drive them away, but felt glad to have the privilege of leading them to Christ.

God came in such wonderful power it was not long till they seemed to forget the color. The altar was filled with seekers, white people on one side and colored on the other.

Sister F., a colored evangelist, whom I had heard of before I started out in the work of the Lord, was present. She was highly esteemed by the people of the East. She had labored with the white people. For years I had desired to meet her. One night I saw her in the meeting, did not know who she was, but called on her to lead in prayer. Such a prayer! She reached the Throne, took hold of God in such a way as to shake every member of the congregation and came near raising them all on their feet. God bless her. She is a fire-brand for God. Hundreds of colored people were saved in these meetings, and many bodies were healed. Some had wonderful visions.

We stayed in the city over three months, the interest increasing all the time, when the weather got too cold for our tents we rented a large hall. Hundreds of souls were converted, and hundreds of bodies healed of various diseases. Persons came on crutches, and went away without them. The blind went away seeing; the sick were brought on beds, healed, and picked up their beds and walked off with them.


We arrived at Springfield, Illinois, at eleven o’clock p.m. A band of converts met us at the train-and took us to a house all furnished for our use. We found a nice supper ready for us. It was like a mother coming home to her children. They had spared no pains to make us feel at home, and as I looked at their happy faces, shining with the Saviour’s love, I thought of the Marriage Supper of the Lord, when I shall sit down with the dear children God has given me, who shall come from the East, West, North and. South. Oh, what a meeting that will be!

With such a band of earnest workers to help us fight for God, you may know we had a wonderful meeting. Sinners came flocking to Christ the first night, and the interest continued to increase