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Signs and Wonders

until the last moment of our stay in the city. Hundreds of souls were saved, and many remarkable cases of the worst diseases and infirmities were healed by laying on of hands and prayer. All classes had been reached—infidels, skeptics, gamblers, harlots, drunkards, dead church members and moral men. Two members of the legislature bowed at the altar, were converted and addressed the crowded house, telling what God had done for them and was doing for others. Many said, when we left, the work would go down in six weeks—they would all backslide. That is what they say every place we go. But when they saw that the converts were standing firm and had saved more souls the five months we were gone than all others had in the past year, they had to confess that God was with them and doing a mighty work.

Brother W., the noted infidel, and one of Robert Ingersoll’s first teachers in infidelity, was converted in Springfield, Illinois. In writing of our first experience there we gave you his wonderful experience. He attended our meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, and gave his time and strength in winning souls to Jesus. Like Paul, telling of his wonderful conversion. He went back to Springfield and had a stroke of paralysis. His prayer was that he might live until we got back. God answered his prayer and we went to see him. He was very low; taking my hand, began to weep and praise God. He was perfectly satisfied with his experience. Jesus was all in all to him. He knew that his building of clay was crumbling, but that to be absent from the body was to be present with the Lord. He had a mansion in heaven. “A house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” He felt that he was truly a brand plucked from the burning. “God has been so merciful in saving such a sinner at the eleventh hour,” he said. When he could not speak his friends thought him unconscious. Jesus was so precious and was with him all the time. I did not see him pass away, but he sent me his dying message: “Oh, sinners, hear the dying testimony of the converted infidel. Tell Sister Woodworth she was the instrument in God’s hands of saving my soul. I have never had a doubt of my experience with God since my conversion. All is well. I thank God that the light of heaven ever shone in my soul.” The remains were taken to the hall where we were holding the meetings. I preached the funeral sermon from Eccl. xii. 3: