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present to welcome us back, and amid the tears and shouts of joy we felt we were at home. We were made to rejoice to find the church in a good spiritual condition also for the beautiful house of worship which was dedicated while we were at Salem, Oregon, this being the first time we were permitted to meet in it. As we looked at the beautiful building, and saw this was the results of the battle we commenced in Kerry Patch amid the howling mob and showers of stones, we realized it is not by might nor by power, but it is by the Spirit of God. Hear him say: “I am the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me?” For three years Elder S. has had charge of the church and has had meeting every night. After hand-shaking was over we then had altar service. A number came and bowed, seeking Christ in the forgiveness of their sins; others for the healing of the body. The power of the Lord, thank God, was present to save the soul and heal the body. Some shouted aloud and gave glory to God; some wept for joy and fell prostrate under the power of the Lord. We could say, like Peter on the day of Pentecost: “This that you see and hear is the promise of the Father.” The interest increased daily. Six persons came over three hundred miles to attend the meeting; they remained three or four days. All received a blessing from on High; some had their bodies healed. One was healed of catarrh of the stomach of five years’ standing. He was healed instantly. They said: “We never saw it in this fashion,” and went home to tell what great things the Lord had done for them.

One sister came to the meeting with a blood tumor she had had for over a year. The physicians said she could not be cured. I laid hands on her and prayed for her; she was healed in a moment. The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise them up, saith God’s word. A girl fourteen years of age was healed of spinal disease she had suffered with for two years. She was in the hospital for treatment, and the physicians said she could not, get well. She came to the meeting all strapped up in braces, and was saved and healed instantly. Her mother took off the braces and carried them home. The child came back to the meeting in the evening perfectly well, and praised God for saving and healing her. The saints shouted victory, and God shook the city with a cyclone of his power, that multitudes were moved by the presence of God.