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We received many letters from people in different States who, by hearing of the wonderful work God had done, were brought under conviction for the salvation of soul or healing of their body, begging us to pray for them that they might be saved or healed in their homes. Many came hundreds of miles to attend the meeting.

In every meeting the power of the Lord was present to heal soul and body. He backs up his word where he says, “And these signs shall follow them that believe.” The priests and scribes said of Peter and John that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. Many in the city of St. Louis, after watching the work for the past four years, like the priests and scribes, have confessed that many miracles have been done.

We were pleased to find a brother and sister engaged in a meeting in evangelistic work in that city who were converted and healed in our meeting in Oakland, Cal. Time and space will not permit me to tell of the many wonderful works the Lord did in the Church of God Bethel during this meeting. We remained in the church till the first of June, then erected our tent in the southern part of St. Louis. From the first the meeting was attended by from one to three thousand. Many came from other States to enjoy the meeting and to eat at our Father’s table, which was so bountifully spread under the tent. Some were saved, others were healed in body and went home rejoicing. An evangelist who had been afflicted with rheumatism for over thirty years came nearly one hundred miles and was healed instantly, which caused him to leap and shout. The next day he walked several miles over the city.

A man met with an accident in a shop three years before, and “had suffered great agony. Twenty-two physicians had treated him, but could do nothing for him except to relieve him a few moments at a time. His friends brought him to the meeting one afternoon. The pain and swelling left his body. He gave God the glory. His wife was saved, and his little boy was healed of neuralgia of the heart. . They now say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

A Bohemian lady, 82 years old, had been crippled all through her body with rheumatism for many years, and had to wear bandages on her limbs, was saved. and healed. The pain and