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After various journeys in several states, the account of which space forbids, we went to North Liberty, Iowa, to hold a meeting for the Church of God. Had a large crowd the first night, which continued to increase every service till the close. Thousands came daily, and souls were saved, and diseases healed from the first.

Many came forty and seventy miles over land in buggies and wagons, from the other meetings we had held. They told how the Lord had saved their souls, and many of them had also been healed by the power of God, and made every whit whole. They had been given up by the best physicians to die. Their ringing testimonies convinced the people that God was with us in mighty power. They saw these people were saved soul and body and filled with the Holy Ghost. Nearly all the ministers of the Church of God were at the, meeting and many from other churches, viz., M. E., U. B., Congregational, Christian, and others. Many of them bowed at the altar to be anointed with power from on high. Several were healed of different infirmities. The people came from every direction; forty-five, seventy, and a hundred miles through dust and heat.

Praise the Lord, he led many in visions to these meetings in as strange a manner as he led Cornelius and Paul, and as when he saw the man of Macedonia, with his hands raised, crying, “Come over and help us.” He saw at once the Lord was calling.

Hundreds came to the altar crying, what must I do to be saved. Forty at once. Sometimes the shouts of scores of the new born babes rang out, that made the Heavens ring. People from thirty-five to seventy-five came to Christ by scores, but some of the brethren began to get discouraged about the young men and women not coming. There were so many in that community, and the worst of them were very wild; they had tried hard to save them, but could not. They wanted this meeting more for their sake. I told them to have faith in God, there would be a break among them. Thank God there was. The

worst came first, others followed till there was scarcely any left.