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Sinners were struck down and came out praising the Lord, and as their companions looked at them lying there, as if they were dead, it put the fear of God on them. Some had Visions of Hell and the Judgment, others of the Broad Road of Destruction; others of the Ladder reaching to Heaven whiter than snow, and the white robed saints going up, with the angels all around them, Christian men, women, and children fell, and lay for hours. Some lay all night. Some were struck down in their homes, and many were healed. The Holy fire spread all over the surrounding country, and went in all churches.

I must again omit several accounts. From St. Louis, Mo., I went to Lisbon, Salem and Canton, Ohio. Held meetings in the Tabernacle six years before in Canton. This time I held setvices in the Church of God. Most of the church had been converted when we were there before. The minister who had charge of the church was called to the ministry, and anointed for the work at our meeting held in the Tabernacle.


From Canton we went back to St. Louis, and stayed a short time with the Church of God. I felt the care and responsibility of the church was too much for me with the work I am called to do as an Evangelist, so I gave the church with five hundred members, that I had cared for for five years, to the care of the Southern Indiana eldership of the Church of God, which they gladly received. I am no longer responsible for the prosperity of the church. The church and the work we have done in the hands of the Lord, is more established and appreciated by the people of

St. Louis than ever before.


During our meeting at this place the editors of the different papers stood by the work and gave grand reports of the wonderful works the Lord was doing in the city. God bless them, they will never know the good they did until Eternity, when the Books are opened and all will be rewarded for the good they have done. The interest continued to increase until the close. The night we closed, the house was packed to the outside door at six o’clock, and many were turned away. The altar was filled with seekers to the last.