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Before she came to the altar she rose and told the congregation her condition with tears in her. eyes, and said she believed the Lord would heal her. When we prayed for her the people crowded around the altar to see what would happen; when they saw her begin to move her fingers and hand, and, saw the swelling going down, and saw her: raise that arm and stretch it forth, then clap her hands together shouting, “I am healed”; they could scarcely believe their eyes. Strong men wept who were sinners, and said, “Surely God is here.” The saints shouted, and the fear of the Lord came upon all who saw her. She stayed at the meeting several day and testified of what Jesus had done for her.

One Sabbath while waiting for the street car to take us to the park for the afternoon meeting, we saw the black clouds gathering; there was a great storm coming. The tent was two miles from the city and there was no shelter any place around. I felt anxious to be at the tent with the rest. I began to pray for the Lord to protect them, to be around them like a wall of fire, and protect them from harm. While praying the words of Paul came to me, that he spoke while on the sinking vessel. You remember he said that the vessel would be wrecked but no lives would be lost. I did not understand it, but as we got off the cars, we saw the storm just ready to burst in all its fury. The tent was crowded, they had neglected to put down the side walls and it was too late now to put them down. They were having testimony. The interest was so great that they did not know the storm was upon them. I stepped upon the pulpit and told them the storm was upon us, and not to try to get away but just sit still and put all their trust in God and he would save us. Just as I said this the storm struck the tent, and the ropes broke close around the pulpit, where I was standing. The side poles were flying and cracking. I fell and lay upon the pulpit; all the other ministers and sinners were knocked off; the congregation saw all this; they saw the tent with the two large center poles falling. They saw the tent would soon cover them. Many thought I was killed; when I saw the tent going down, then I knew what the scripture meant that the Lord gave me in answer to my prayers, that the tent would be wrecked, or go down, but no lives would be lost. No one was struck with the poles and no one was hurt. The storm continued. It seemed we would be carried over the tree tops; for nearly an hour it looked like the rain would come