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in torrents, but there was only a little shower; every one felt the Lord had wonderfully protected us. A man was lying in front of the pulpit under the power of God when the storm came up; the pulpit fell over him, also a pitcher of water and a lot of flowers fell upon him, but he lay through it all praising God!

The Sabbath before we closed there, there were nine thousand people on the ground and the Sabbath we closed there were ten thousand. In the morning meeting there were one hundred and thirty testimonies of the healing of the body, and hundreds of the salvation of the soul.

I must pass over various meetings in several States: readers are referred to the old book “Acts of the Holy Ghost,” to be had from the author.


On the first day of January, 1902, I married Mr. S. P. Etter of Hot Springs, Ark. Then we went back to Iowa, where I had labored several: years before. We held meetings for seven weeks in Muscatine in the Fair Grounds. This was the third camp meeting held by us in that city. The meeting was very deep spiritually, from the first. The Lord put his seal on it with great signs and wonders, saving souls and healing bodies. Many who had been brought out in a deep experience some eight years before, had died in the triumphs of a living faith; so that the Lord’s work is established around this part of Iowa, and many are living to-day that the best medical skill failed to cure. Their lives were spared to their loved ones, and parents spared to care for their children.

Many are preaching the gospel, and scattering the fragments over the land; giving the Bread of Life to starving souls.