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rhages, the blood coming out of her mouth, nose and ears, so that her clothing was saturated with blood. Shortly before nine o'clock, all her limbs stretched out, as when a person dies, and the nurse believing her dead, went and told the doctor, “She is gone;” he came to see, and found her sitting up: he was astonished, and told her she must lie down. She said, “I am healed;” he told her she was out of her head, but she insisted God had healed her, and at last he saw that it was so.

“Next day twenty-nine doctors came to see her, and said: “It was the most wonderful case they had ever known. She is perfectly healed.” They had not known of any one else to recover from that operation.

In such cases the stitches are never taken out before fifteen days, but in her case, as she was healed, they were taken out the fourth day.

When Visiting day came, as she had no visitors, the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital said he and his wife would be pleased to visit her. They came, and as they sat by her bed, she told the story of her conversion, and there were tears in his wife’s eyes.