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After fifteen years I went back to Indianapolis, my husband, Mr. Etter, accompanying me. There he stood bravely with me in the hottest battle, and since the day we were married he has never shrank. He is foremost when the battle is hottest; he will defend the Word, and all the Gifts, and operations of the Holy Ghost, but does not want any fanaticism, or foolishness. He takes the best care of me, in and out of the meetings. It makes no difference what I call on him to do. He will pray, and preach, and sing, and is very good around the altar. He does about all of my writing, and he also helps in getting out my books, and looks after the meeting, in and outside. The Lord knew what I needed, and it was all brought about by the Lord, through his love and care for me and the work.

We pitched a large tent in the southern part of the city, and the news soon spread of our being in the city. Our old friends, and children in Jesus, began to come to our help. The meetings were good from the first. Sinners began to flock to Christ, and shouts of victory began to ascend to the Great White Throne, “The lost is found, the dead alive.”

Many fell under the power of God and had wonderful visions. There were great signs, and wonders and demonstrations, including speaking in unknown tongues. Sinners were struck down like dead men and women. The Lord wonderfully used little children to bring sinners to Christ. While the Holy Ghost had full control, He, the Holy Ghost, would lead them out through the congregation and reach for this man, or that. woman; they would give them. their hand and go straight to the altar with them, with their eyes closed all the time. All knew that they were lead by the Lord; some were converted before thy got to the altar—some prophesied things that have since taken place.

The weather began to get quite cool, so we went down into the city to Peniel Hall, on 11th and Senate, and all followed. The Holy Ghost was present in great power, with gifts, signs, and visions, following the laying on of hands. There were visible

signs of light and glory on the pulpit, and through the congre-