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ister that was converted through me. He had heard so much about me that he had come fifty miles to see his grandmother.

Last summer, eight years after, we came back, and held a tent meeting for several months; and several hundred were saved and healed of almost every disease. Cancers, tumors, blindness, and deafness; cripples were brought in, or came in on crutches; some were in a dying condition, and all received the divine touch, and were healed by his power, and walked, shouted, and praised God. Many were baptized with the Holy Ghost.

A woman was brought from Cincinnati, dying from cancer. The doctors sent her home to die. She was in such an offensive condition that the odor made people sick. It was in June, and very warm, and the flies were thick over her dress. She was a Christian, and was ready to die, but the Lord said she should not die, but live. In less than ten minutes after I began to pray, she was completely healed; she jumped and shouted; the odor stopped with the discharge, at once. She remained a week, and went to work.

We closed the meeting and went to Maxwell, a little town twenty-three miles east of Indianapolis. The Lord drew the people from all parts; though it was a little town, there were two thousand souls there at a time on Sundays, and more on the last Sunday.

Next we went to Ohio, then came back to Indianapolis, commenced meeting in the Christian Church, and remained about eight months. People were saved and healed from the first. They came from Chicago, and other cities, and from all around for several hundred miles, and were saved, healed, and baptized with the Holy Ghost. Many as remarkable miracles of healing as have been wrought since the days of the early church. We will give one testimony, that of the brother himself. It is now about four months since he was healed, and he has not had a pain since, nor sickness; no inconvenience whatever. He is a well man, was made so at once by the power of God. He had piles for thirty years, had them cut and burnt off four times, then cancer commenced; he got so bad that he had to sit on an inflated ring, and had to have his wife to flush his bowels twice a day, to use a long syringe and tube, and two quarts of water at each time; then he would bleed, and it was so offensive she could hardly do it. The bowel was all gone on the left side for ten