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inches up; the backbone was bare, having no flesh on it on the inside; had rheumatism also, and was a sinner. God converted and. healed him all at once, in less than fifteen minutes. He was sixty-four years old. He was baptized with the Holy Ghost, and is now one of God’s little ones. There is nothing too hard for our God.

Reprinted from The Latter Rain Evangel of Chicago, U. S. A. from an article by Elder F. F. Bosworth, of Dallas, Texas.

On my return home from the Stone Church Convention, I spent three days with Mr. and Mrs. Etter in their home and attended the services. At the close of the first service seven were prayed with for healing and all seemed healed in a few minutes. One sister (an elderly lady who had broken her hip two years before), suffering great pain and unable to step on her right limb, was brought to the meeting. Her daughter and I helped her into the meeting. When hands were laid on her in prayer she was instantly healed and walked perfectly, and continued to walk to the services during my stay in the city.

Mrs. Johnson, living on East Jefferson street, in Indianapolis, was born deaf and dumb and is now nearly fifty-two years old. She had never heard a sound nor spoken a word. When Sister Etter, in the name of Jesus, rebuked the deaf-and-dumb spirit and commanded it to go out, the woman was completely delivered. She can now hear perfectly and is learning to talk for the first time.

Clyde Gray, a barber in Indianapolis, was stone deaf. When Sister Etter commanded him to hear in Jesus’ name, his ears were opened so perfectly that he had to hold his hands over them | at first when the choir sang. Pauline Winters, an eight-year-old child, born blind, was instantly healed in these meetings. Five volumes have been written of Mrs. Etter’s work as an evangelist, and it is doubtful if there is any record written since the “Acts of the Apostles” that is so wonderful.


1104 Broadway, Indianapolis.
About five weeks ago, one Sunday night, I was attending the meetings, and was sitting listening to Sister Etter preaching when I turned real sick, and a voice said to me, “Come with me.” I