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went outside the church, a sister accompanying me, and the same voice said again, “This is death, come now, go with me.”

That was the last I remembered on earth, only I thought of my son in the army, and that no one would know where to send to notify him of my death.

Presently, it seemed to me I was in heaven, in a place where there was such Light, and Rest, and Joy. I heard singing, and all kinds of different instruments.

I saw my earthly father and children, and talked with the Lord, and then a voice said, “You can go back for a while,” and then I heard Sister Etter’s voice calling on me in the name of the Lord.

Mrs. Sarah Nelson.

Sister Woodworth-Etter says, on that occasion there was a commotion; people going out to help, and some coming back. She asked, “What is the matter?” As they did not wish to harm the audience they said “She has fainted.” Sister Etter said “She is all right; and even if the Lord should take her, she is ready. I wish the rest of you were as well prepared.”

After quite a while they carried her body in, and said, “She is dead!” “The pulse has ceased to beat.” There was no motion of the heart, the body was cold and limp, and the face that of a corpse. Sister Etter gathered the others around her, and spoke of Jesus being the Resurrection and the Life, and prayed and called on her in the name of the Lord, and she opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes they were yellow, and she did not seem to know anything at first; but sat in a big arm chair looking like a corpse. Later on in the meeting she expressed a desire to testify, which she did. She has been attending meeting ever since, and working daily.

Indianapolis, Ind., January 6th, 1915.
I can testify that the Lord can heal.

I was healed of cancer of the rectum. Two doctors of this city, pronounced it a hopeless case. Not even a hospital case—my age and the advancement of the disease. Said I would get no benefit from an operation. My age then was sixty-five years.

The left side of the rectum was eaten away. I was a total wreck physically. Didn’t know what a night’s sleep was; no appetite; my whole nervous system was completely broken down.