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On the ninth day of January, 1912, I went to where Sister Etter was holding meetings, at 17th street and Martindale avenue, this city. I was a total stranger—did not know a person in the house, except my good wife who had gone with me—as I was unable to go out alone.

When Sister Etter gave the altar call, I went to the altar, knelt down and the brethren and sisters laid on hands and prayed for me, and rebuked the diseases in Jesus’ name. When they laid their hands on my back I shuddered, for I was so sore and tender I could not even bear my back bathed. Just had to take a sponge and squeeze the water out gently on my back as the cancer had almost eaten through. But praise God, he took all soreness away. Something just seemed to drop on the sore spot; it seemed like four or five thicknesses of plasters. It was so real in my mind that I put my hand to my back to see how thick they were. I was not at the altar more than fifteen minutes until all pain and soreness was all gone; that awful burning sensation left and to this day has never returned—about thirty-one months—almost three years since I was healed—not a trace of the diseases left. I have been free from aches and pains; have never had a day of sickness since the day God so wonderfully healed me. On the same day I was also healed of rheumatism in my right arm and shoulder. My arm was drawn to my side; I could not dress myself. The Lord straightened my arm out and it is still straight. Praise the Lord forever. Oh, glory to Jesus, he can save and he has power to heal and he does heal. Oh, I can never tell how happy I was when Jesus touched my body and healed me. I jumped up over the altar; took off my coat and put it on again—something I had not been able to do for weeks. I said if the Lord could stop pains and aches in a moment, He was the one for me to look to.

I had an inflated rubber ring I had to take with me, for I could not sit down on the softest feather pillow, as the rectum was so sore and tender.

I let the air out of the ring; boxed it up; hung up the syringe. I was using three quarts of warm water night and morning in the bowels; three pills each evening and other medicine every two hours. I had nearly two weeks treatment in the house—I threw it all out—haven’t taken a dose of any kind of medicine since the day I was healed nor I would not take a dose for the