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filled with the Spirit at the same time. She was) given up by the physicians. She is still here in the meeting and is well. A man from Blueridge, Texas, sixty miles from Dallas, had suffered ten years with cancer all over one side of his face and neck. Suffered so he had to be taken from the meeting. Could not talk on account of the awful suffering from moving his jaw. When Sister Etter prayed for him the power came and he was healed. The pain and all the burning and stiffness left instantly, and he could turn his head in any direction without pain. He got up on the altar and preached to the people. His friends told me yesterday that the cancer was healing up and he is getting well.

The night before last a Catholic lady came into the meeting for the first time. She was deaf in both ears and could not hear a sound as the choir sang. She was instantly healed and could hear an ordinary conversation. Saturday night a lady was brought from Beaumont, Texas, dying with tumor. The doctors said she would not. live forty-eight hours. She was instantly saved, healed and baptized in the Spirit, and leaped and praised God before the people. Sinners look on and weep, and then make their way to the altar.

I said that Sunday was the most wonderful day I had ever seen. Last night was still more wonderful. No tongue or pen could describe that meeting. Three deaf and dumb mutes, fifty-four, thirty-four, and seventeen years old, all strangers to each other, hugged, kissed, wept and shouted for about a half hour, because God had opened all their ears, gave them their voices, and saved them all. The great audience looked on and wept, and as many as could crowd into the vacant space at the front of the platform sought God for salvation, healing and the baptism. Many were struck down by the power of God and had wonderful visions of Jesus, and many received the baptism in the Holy Ghost as at Pentecost. Some are stricken down in their homes. I wish you could see how these deaf and dumb mutes looked at the choir, making signs to each other that they enjoyed the singing and the instruments. The delegation that came with the deaf and dumb mutes returned with them this morning, saying that they were going to bring another mute, and perhaps some other afflicted ones. A preacher last night that came with them got up and told how he had known the deaf and dumb young lady from birth and loved her as his own daughter.