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(Reprinted from The Latter Rain Evangel of Chicago, U.S.A., October, 1912.)

God is truly working in a wonderful way in Dallas, Texas, in the meetings conducted by Mrs. Woodworth-Etter and the pastor. During the first week in September about fifty were baptized in the Holy Spirit, besides many bright conversions and miraculous healings.

We quote the following from a private letter received from an eye-witness under date of August 22nd:

“There are about five thousand people in attendance every night and on Sunday nights many more. The sick and afflicted are coming from all parts of Texas, and some have come from Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana. They are coming on trains, covered wagons, and every way they can. Oh, the pitiful sights! How they make my heart ache! Sometimes it is more than I can bear when I see as many as four or five in one service nearly eaten up with cancer or consumption and given up by all earthly aid, and as a last resort they come to the Lord.

“The first night I was here, there were four brought in on cots in a dying condition, several in roller chairs and many afflicted who were able to walk. I saw two on cots get up and walk when prayed with. Some who were thought to be dying have jumped right over the end of their cots, leaping and walking and shouting all over the tent after the prayer of faith was offered. I will mention one or two remarkable cases:

A woman here in Dallas, dying from a double affliction of cancer of the stomach and tuberculosis of the lungs, a living skeleton, given up by all the best physicians of this city, was brought to the meeting on a cot and thought she would die before Sister Etter could get around to her. When prayed with she was healed instantly of both afflictions, arose from the cot and shouted and praised the Lord. She is coming to the meeting every night and tesifying. She is still very thin, but the disease is killed and she is gaining every day.

“A boy, brought from Beaumont, Texas, several hundred miles away, suffering from epileptic insanity, was healed instantly and a few days afterwards a business man from that city, coming to the meetings in Dallas, testified that the boy was sound and well.