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A little waif, a newsboy on the streets of Dallas, strolled into the meeting with one arm paralyzed and the other broken from jumping off a street car a few days previous. Oh, how deserted and pitiful and dirty and forlorn he looked! It says in the Word when our father and mother forsake us, then the Lord will take us up, and He truly did that little fellow. Sister Etter laid her hands upon him and prayed, and he was instantly healed. With the arm that had been paralyzed he began to tear off the splints and bandages from the broken arm without any one telling him. He threw both hands towards heaven, raised them high and shouted: and praised God, and I have seen him in the services nearly every night since. He testifies before that large multitude and has two perfectly well arms to show what the mighty power of God can do.

We also give the following clipping from the Dallas Daily Times-Herald of September 7, 1912:

“Hundreds in Dallas and all over Texas and many other states have already been healed in this meeting of all manner of diseases and afflictions by the power of God, in answer to ‘the prayer of faith.’ Many have been brought over one thousand miles and have been wonderfully saved and healed. The lame, the blind, many deaf and dumb, the palsied, the paralytic, consumptives, those suffering with cancers, tumors, fistulas, pellagra, operations, many with epilepsy, and invalids for years are praising God for healing for soul and body.

“Perhaps never before was there such a scene as that witnessed by the great audience Monday night, when three deaf and dumb mutes, fifty-four, thirty-four and seventeen years old, all strangers to each other, hugged, kissed, wept, shouted and praised God for perhaps twenty minutes, because He had opened all their ears, gave them their voices and saved their souls. Sinners look on and weep and make their way to the altar. Sunday, God came in slaying power and twenty-one, like Saul, were struck down by the power of God and lay from one to eleven hours. They had wonderful visions of heaven and of Jesus and all got up with shining faces, filled with the love of God. The tent looked like a battlefield for ‘the slain of the Lord were many.’ This power has continued all the week and sinners have been struck down in their homes several miles from the tent. Hundreds in Dallas have been filled with the Holy Ghost as at Pentecost. Perhaps in no other