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place in the world is God so wonderfully displaying His power at the present time.”

Mrs. Clay E. Martin, one of the deaf mutes who was healed, gives a written testimony as follows:

“T am now fifty-four years old. My father and mother were first cousins. * * * Myself and two sisters were born totally deaf and dumb. I was born at Jonesville, Lee County, Virginia, educated at Staunton, Virginia, under Prof. J. J. Covell. I was teacher in Prof. Van Nostrand’s deaf and dumb school at Austin, Texas, at the time my uncle, Ben. D. Martin, was state senator under Governor Coke. On Wednesday, July 31, 1912, I went to the wonderful meeting in the large tent at the corner of Parry and Fletcher streets. When Sister Etter put her finger in my mouth at the root of my tongue and then in my ears, commanding the ‘deaf and dumb spirit’ to come out, God instantly opened my ears and gave me my voice. * * * Oh, it seems so wonderful to hear everything.”


Wonders of God in Dallas, Texas

During this revival hundreds have been saved and healed. The blind have seen, the deaf have heard, the dumb have spoken; broken limbs have been restored, incurable diseases like cancer, consumption and pellagra have been healed. The word of God has gone forth in power, and the Lord has confirmed it with “signs following.”

About twelve hundred have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as on the day of Pentecost, each one speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. During our month’s stay here we have seen the dear Lord mightily manifest His healing power at different times. A brother came down from Missouri, very far gone with consumption. He had taken to his bed because he was so weak, but the Lord told him to come to Dallas and he would heal him. As Sister Etter laid hands on him, rebuking the disease in the name of Jesus, it went at once and the brother was able to give an overflowing testimony the next day.

A sister came down from St. Paul who had been an invalid for two years, ever since the birth of her baby. She had all