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kinds of internal trouble; but the prayer of faith by Sister Etter put everything right, and the Lord raised her up from the couch on which she lay. She ran up and down the tabernacle praising the Lord. In her testimony she said that previously she had been so ill that it was only with difficulty she could move from her bed: from a chair in her room. She stayed a little while longer in Dallas, during which she became strengthened in spirit; soul and body, and the Lord baptised her with the Holy Ghost. She writes from St. Paul telling how well she is.

Another sister came down with the worst case of goitre we have ever seen. She had been under many physicians and a specialist, and her case was pronounced incurable. When her mother decided to bring her to Dallas, the doctor said the train journey would probably kill her. On the first night she came Sister Etter called on the name of Jesus and the disease was cured. (We notice that in almost every case Sister Etter dealt with the disease as if she was dealing with the devil himself.) At once the sister was delivered, the pain left, and she was able to exercise her swollen neck. It seemed as though the swelling subsided considerably at once, although the swelling had not all gone before she left Dallas, she is able to give a very blessed testimony. For the first time in a long time she was able to sleep peacefully, she was able to walk 32 blocks to and from the meetings every day, whereas before she came she could not walk more than two blocks, and that with difficulty.

At another time a man who looked as though he was dying, suffering internally with appendicitis, came into the meeting, the Lord not only healed his body, but saved his soul. Salvation means the double cure, and really means WHOLENESS and you cannot limit it to the part of the being, as we have often done in past times.

Sister Etter has gone to San Antonio, starting meetings there the first of January. We hear the Lord is blessedly confirming His word with signs following. Her farewell service took place on the last Sunday of the old year, and was one of the most blessed services we have ever attended. Many times while giving her message, she was so overcome with emotion she had to stop. Especially pathetic was her farewell to Bros. Bosworth and Birdsall, “these two dear boys,” as this mother in Israel called them. She appealed to all to stand by them. The power of God seemed