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saw one lady who had been stone deaf, but after prayer was offered, the ears which had seemed dead began to have life in. them, and she could hear loud sounds near her. Some people are healed at once, and others gradually, but Mrs. Etter feels that if they have been receptive as she has prayed “the prayer of faith” for them, that they have only to hold on in faith and continue to praise God on the authority of His Word, and the symptoms will surely pass away. There really are so many healings day by day, that only the more remarkable ones attract attention.

Mrs. Etter’s greatest concern is to have people “get right with God” in their souls, and then she tells them they will be healed. When they come to her with more desire for physical healing than for the spiritual healing, she refuses to pray for the healing of their bodies until their souls come into right relations with God. This undoubtedly is one great reason of her success, and another reason is that she believes in working for the unifying of all the members of the body of Christ, and therefore she does not preach mere theories, but holds up a living Christ, receiving all who are honest in their hearts and purposes towards Him, even if they do not yet see the truth just as she teaches it. She also avoids laying’ stress upon certain words or expressions, with which the enemy is trying to cause divisions in the body of Christ. Therefore there is no contention or strife in these meetings, but love and unity.

It is interesting to note that Mrs. Etter teaches healing in the Atonement (in the same way that we are taught by the Holy Spirit Himself many years ago). She also encourages all the saints to press on for more power from God to do the miraculous works which Jesus said believers should do in His name.

Mrs. Etter is one that speaks with no uncertain sound, and we have never seen any one else rebuke disease and demons with such Heaven-sent authority, and power. It brought a new wave of spiritual joy to our heart to hear the way in which these “cruel demons” were ordered to depart. Perhaps it is needless to say here that when people get their eyes on the instrument that God uses, instead of upon Himself, they do not receive healing. While on the other hand, those whose gaze of faith is upon the Saviour alone often receive healing, through the application in faith of the anointed handkerchiefs or tracts sent out from these meetings.