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Some periodicals have ridiculed this means of reaching the sick, but God is wonderfully using them just the same, and as He wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul (see Acts xix:11, 12) He is doing the same now for those who trust Him, for so many of God’s children are sick everywhere that the need is most urgent and the unbelief is so great that often in isolated places those suffering saints cannot get one near at hand to offer for them “the prayer of faith.”

Mrs. Etter preaches the gospel in great simplicity and power, backing up all her remarks by quotations from the Word of God. The altar services are very remarkable, as saints and sinners gather around in deep earnestness seeking God for their individual needs. The power of God falls upon them, and it is wonderful to note the changes that come over the faces of the seeking ones, as the light dawns upon their souls. The power of God often prostrates them, and even little children are seen “under the power;” apparently unconscious to all but God, and with their little faces shining like angels.

There were people present from many different states in the Union.

The night we left there were three remarkable cases of healing; one of goitre, one of cancer, and one of deafness. The lady with goitre was suffering very much with the choking or suffocating sensation occasioned by it. Mrs. Etter commanded the enemy to depart, in Jesus’ name, and soon we saw her turning her head freely from side to side, while the swelling seemed mostly, if not entirely gone. The pain and swelling of the man’s cancer was also taken away in a few minutes.

It is stated that about three hundred and fifty have received the Pentecostal baptism, with the sign of speaking with new tongues.

There is usually a great solemnity in the meetings, and the faces of the people are very earnest. With the exception of the altar service, where many are often praising or praying at once, the meetings are conducted very quietly. All tendency to wildfire or fanaticism is entirely discountenanced.

Perhaps the explanation for the solemnity of these meetings is that there is continual teaching about the soon coming of the Lord for His Bride, and exhortations to get ready. One dear brother, Rev. H. C. Mears, who has preached the gospel for over