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hands, and feet. They could see and feel the awful presence of God in their midst. They knew that I, of myself, would not dare to defy or stand before them, or talk to them in such a way. The fear of God fell on them, they were afraid of me. I felt like as though I had turned to be a giant, and believed that if they had moved towards us, that God would have smitten them dead. They stood as if they were paralysed, and did not give the signal to those that were outside, but went out solemnly. Oh! praise the Lord for victory, through Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. We never had any more trouble. There is none like our God to deliver. “Touch not Mine Anointed and do My Prophets no harm.” (Psalm 105, 15.)


Awful judgments have fallen upon those that laid hands upon the Ark. Under the Law it was instant death to those that touched the Ark, or layed their hands on it. When anyone wilfully lays his hands on the Holy Ghost Work of God to-day, it is spiritual death to that man or woman. Take Michal (David's wife), as a warning. She was smitten with barrenness to the day of her death. David was dancing in the Spirit before the Ark, and she despised him for so doing. Sometimes it is instant death. Many places where we have held meetings, it has come to be a common saying, “Just watch that man, and see what will happen’ to him.” Sometimes in a few days, or often in a year or two, they will write, telling me of some awful judgments that have befallen on those who sinned after this manner. Many times it put the fear of God on those who knew, and noticed these things.

Many editors and preachers who failed to take warning of God’s dealings with Uzzah and Michal have gone down in disgrace. Many that had large congregations, and large salaries, have had to leave in disgrace, on account of some sin or the congregation broke up, and his people left him. Many editors have gone to ruin, have got into trouble, have gone to drinking, become insane, or committed suicide. Offences must come, but Woe to the man through whom they come. (Luke 17, 1.)

During one of the meetings, a man had a crowd around him, and was making sport of the Works of God, and saying awful things about me, and the Power. All at once he fell to the ground, a helpless man, stricken with paralysis; his face was